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Task Notification

Task Notification Handler

Improve the quality and effectiveness of Workflow Notifications


  • Create your own email templates so that notifications are relative and informative for all of your workflow templates.

  • Send notifications using an organizational or functional hierarchical structure.  Involve decision makers who may not be Teamcenter users.

  • Replaces the functionality of the OOTB (out of the box) handler provided with Teamcenter.

  • Selected in Workflow Designer just like an OOTB action handler. Additional arguments determine which email template to be used, as well as additional options for Recipients and Action.


You define the format of the email.

The message body template is stored as a dataset in Teamcenter.  HTML formatting allows virtually unlimited possibilities.  You define the look and feel of the email message so that the proper information is communicated in a user friendly manner.  Don’t send technical jargon to upper level management!

Embed object properties anywhere in the email body

Property tags can be embedded in the email template.  This allows inclusion of properties from any object associated with the workflow.

Include object properties such as:

  • List of workflow targets
  • Form Properties
  • List of reviewers
  • Responsible Party
  • Rejection Comments
  • Task Due Date
  • Instructions

Notify non-Teamcenter users

In addition to specifying a standard list of recipients, non Teamcenter users can easily be included.

A hierarchical structure can be specified so that the correct person is notified.  This can be structured organizationally (the boss of the person responsible for the task), or functionally (a product manager responsible for the associated Engineering Change).

The hierarchical structure is maintained independent of the active workflow so that changes can be made as people move around within the organization.


> Content of the email is specified by designing your own templates to suit each unique type & purpose.

For example: create unique email templates for task approval notice, task rejection notice, task demotion notice, process completion notice, etc.

  • Email templates are stored as text datasets in the database.
  • Change email templates whenever you need without any code change, compiling or linking.
  • Protect email templates by releasing them or applying access manager permissions.
  • Replicate those email templates to other sites using multi-site import/export or create unique templates for other sites.


> Task or Job information to be included in the email is specified by embedding property keys directly in the template.

This allows the creation of a seamless email body when those property keys are replaced by the actual property values.

For example:  inform users the task is due on a particular date, or what comments other reviewers have provided, or who/why/when they rejected the task.

  • Properties can be of type attributes, references, runtime properties, compound properties, or relational properties.
  • Properties can be fixed length arrays, variable length arrays, or single value.
  • Properties can be of data type integer, float, double, character, string, date, boolean, or tag references.
  • Properties can belong to the task, job, target objects, or any other object related to the task/job/targets.


> Send an email notification on any workflow action.

For example: send an email when targets are added/removed, when the job is promoted/demoted, or the task is approved/rejected, etc. There are no restrictions on placement of this handler.


> You decide who the recipients are.

For example: send email to (any combination of) responsible party, all reviewers, undecided reviewers, group/role/resource pool, reviewers of another review task, email addresses, Teamcenter user, distribution list, recipients specified in a target object property, change participants, or functional/organizational managerial hierarchy.

Email Examples

> Standard email message using Out Of The Box handler

Text Notification


> Email message using SiOM Systems handler

SiOM Notification

SiOM Systems

Expertise in Teamcenter security & access management, configuration management, options & variant configuration, engineering change management, NX CAD data management, document management, workflow/process management, absolute occurrences, appearances, and data migration.

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‘Siddhi’ means perfection, mastering a difficult skill, success. ‘Om’ is the source of all the energy; it is the source of the energy behind the creation, preservation and destruction of the universe. This philosophy guides us in providing perfect, flexible, future proof, high quality solutions to every customer.


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